Forward-Looking Financials

Projections, Pro-Formas, Prospective Statements

In our years of accounting, we have been asked with relentless frequency to create forward-looking financial services and other expressions of financial events that are yet to arise. This is a positive sign – it means that our clients around the globe are interested in making their vision become reality. Such financial statements are used as presentations to potential investors, budgets for performance comparisons, and supplementary appended materials in a business plan. From financial projections for business plans to business startups, we can quickly put together reports that allow you to create goals for the future.

Because of the need for such products, we have built a solid practice in creating such reports. Most statement packages include the standard Income Statement (P&L), Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows and are short term in nature. However, as has been necessary for clients operating in certain industries, we also have experience creating 5-year and 10-year packages.

Factors that we take into consideration are cash burn rate, line of credit terms, capitalization options, cost of capital, loan amortization, lease amortization, carryover of prior year losses, deferred tax assets/liabilities, etc.

Some of the industries that we have direct experience in related to such budgets and projections include but are not limited to: moving/transportation/shipping, non-profit medical, photography, charities, government entities, commercial real estate (Class A and B office, retail, and warehousing), residential real estate (condos, co-ops, cond-ops), hedge funds, retailers, suppliers to retailers, franchisers, IT-firms, etc. If you need financial projects for your business plans or startup, let us help.

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